Trinity Free Clinic hosts Stop the Bleed Workshops
In 2015, the White House kicked off a national campaign called Stop the Bleed to teach the general public basic trauma care so that bystanders can feel confident stepping in to stop or slow severe bleeding in the event of an emergency while waiting for emergency medical professionals to arrive. These free classes can be taken by anyone, even if you haven’t had any medical training. Participants learn how to pack wounds, apply pressure, and properly use tourniquets.
On May 1, James Ginder with the Hamilton County Health Department led a Stop the Bleed class at Trinity Free Clinic. This Stop the Bleed class was only the most recent public health class offered through the partnership between the clinic and the health department to extend the reach of our services to the wider community in an effort to promote greater public health. In addition to Stop the Bleed classes, Trinity Free Clinic has also hosted a class for Narcan training.
Missed the class? Don’t worry, James Ginder will be returning to Trinity Free Clinic on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 for another Stop the Bleed class. The class is free, but registration is limited and you must register. Click here to register for a Stop the Bleed class through the Hamilton County Health Department.