Volunteer Spotlight: Going Above and Beyond . . . Every Day!

We are regularly humbled and amazed by the depth of generosity from our volunteers.  Every time one of you walks through our doors, you are going above and beyond, and when you are here, you treat our patients with the same care and concern as if they were a patient in your own medical office. 

Christopher DePiro.jpgChristopher DePiro.jpg

During one of our recent acute medical telemedicine clinics, a family arrived at the clinic speaking no English.  Our front office staff called the language line for assistance, and we discovered that the mother in the family had been diagnosed with diabetes in Vietnam, but hadn’t been able to take her prescribed medications for some time.  They also had some concerns about their son’s growth. 

Knowing that either parent or child could be facing an emergent situation, Dr. Christopher DiPiro made time in his already packed telemedicine schedule to see the family.  Fortunately, both mother and son were stable and could be referred to primary care, but just having the opportunity to speak with Dr. DiPiro set their minds at ease.

Recounting the story later, Volunteer Coordinator Lisa Curry said, “Often, it’s the busiest people who carve out time to give.” 

Dr. DiPiro is a family practice physician at Community Howard Regional Health in Kokomo. Even with a busy work schedule and six kids, he has somehow managed to carve out time to volunteer at Trinity Free Clinic for three years.  We are deeply grateful to Dr. DiPiro and all of our volunteers who continue to give of their time and talents, even during a global healthcare crisis.


Defining a New Normal at Trinity Free Clinic


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