Trinity Free Clinic Receives Grant from Senior Fund


            In December, TFC gratefully accepted an award of $30,000 from the Central Indiana Senior Charles N. Smith Trust Fund.  The mission of this special fund is to support programs for low to moderate income older adults in Central Indiana with a focus on underserved or isolated populations.  Since its inception in 2005, the Senior Fund has awarded more than $7.6 million to senior focused not-for-profits and programs in order to assure that elderly in our community have the basics of life and can live the last chapters of their lives with a sense of dignity and worth.  The Senior Fund is administered by the Central Indiana Community Fund (CICF).

             Almost half of the senior citizens in Hamilton County live at or below 60% of the county’s median income.  At TFC, about 17% of our patients are 55 years old or older.  We see them frequently in our dental clinic because standard Medicare does not provide dental coverage.  We also treat seniors on the medical side of the Clinic with acute care as well as many of our specialty clinics, such as hypertension, physical therapy, podiatry and eye clinics.  In 2018, we treated 485 senior patients in 874 visits.

             The money we have just received from the Senior Fund will support our efforts to treat about 600 senior citizens over the 12-month grant period.  We are so thankful for this generous financial support from the CICF/Senior Fund and we are excited to be able to serve this special population of Hamilton County.


LINK Youth Advisory Council Provides Grant for Pediatric & Immunization Clinics


Volunteer Spotlight: Sheryl Ciulla