Volunteer Spotlight: Sheryl Ciulla
Since 2013, Sheryl Ciulla has volunteered over 450 hours at the Trinity Free Clinic, a clinic dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of the uninsured and underinsured low income residents of Hamilton County. Before managing her husband’s medical practice for 15 years, Sheryl was an emergency nurse and nurse practitioner. She says her experience working in the emergency room has helped her with her duties at the Trinity Free Clinic.
Sheryl has two different roles at the clinic: manager and nurse. As a manager, she knows how the clinic runs and can answer any questions that arise during different shifts. However, Sheryl finds the most joy in her nursing role at the clinic because she likes taking care of and getting to know the patients. While Sheryl has volunteered at other organizations, she feels like Trinity is where she can make the most impact. She says most people would be shocked to find out how many people in Hamilton County are in need of the Trinity Free Clinic’s services. Because of that, Trinity fills a huge need and as a volunteer there, you can really make a difference in a someone’s life.